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Contacting Bove Law, LLC d/b/a Legacy Law does not create an attorney-client relationship between users of this site and any other party. Neither Carly Bove, Esq. nor Bove Law, LLC d/b/a Legacy Law will enter into an attorney-client relationship online, through this website, through any other website, or through electronic mail or any other electronic medium. It is our policy to enter an attorney-client relationship only through a written engagement or retainer agreement, and only where doing so would comply with all applicable laws and ethical rules.
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All material or information included within this website is for informational purposes only and should in no way be considered legal advice on any particular matter by any party whatsoever. No user may act or rely on any of the materials or information on this website and Carly Bove, Esq. and Legacy Law make absolutely no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy, reliability, completeness, availability, or timeliness of the contents of this website or of the information or documents therein. Use of materials found on this website, for any purpose whatsoever, is strictly at your own risk. Under no circumstances whatsoever shall Carly Bove, Esq. or Bove Law, LLC d/b/a Legacy Law be liable for any direct, indirect, legal, equitable, special, compensatory, incidental or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever arising from access to, use of or reliance upon this website or the information and documents contained therein.
Terms and Disclaimers May Change Without Notice
These terms and disclaimers may be changed without notice. It is each individual user’s responsibility to check and review these terms and conditions and it shall not be the responsibility of Carly Bove, Esq. or Bove Law, LLC d/b/a Legacy Law to inform users of any changes whatsoever.

2640 Route 70, Building #4
Manasquan, NJ 08736